June 6, 2010

Singkap memori part 1: January 2010

2010. For every new year, i always wondering what happen to me, and what i will do or what crazy things that i will do.

Masa pantas berlalu melintasi angan2 dan imaginasi ku dulu. oleh sebab dah lama ruangan ini ditinggalkan bersawang sebelum ni, so suka dan duka lama dari awal tahun 2010 diungkap kembali.

emm. this entry just remind me for the old memories that i really love.

saya suka jalan-jalan

asal tension, saya keluar.

asal keluar, habiskan duit.erkk.

sambil2 bergambar and shooting2.

yang penting happy and gay :)) LOL:D

*credit to those made me smile on January 2010
*credit to Zai Zara, Baby Bo Mc T yang selalu sudi "melarikan" saya*
*also credit to "the photographers"

*credit to Nas for "escaping to the China"

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